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Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Puran Pachak Churna

Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Puran Pachak Churna is a Chandigarh Ayurved Centre brand product, best for.. Read more

USD 11.3
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Description of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Puran Pachak Churna:
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Puran Pachak Churna is 100 % natural and pure. This herbal churna is prepared from various Ayurvedic herbs such as Peppermint, Saunf, Sanay Patti, Kala Namak, Triphala and Trikatu that show anti-oxidant, laxative, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. CAC Puran Pachak churna helps in Digestion, Supports the Digestive system, and balances the doshas in our body. This churna chiefly works by stimulating ?Agni?, i.e. the digestive fire, promotes the assimilation of nutrients in the body and decrease Kapha. It is also famed as a rejuvenator and tonic which helps pacify the aggravated Kapha in the respiratory and digestive tract and also regulates the path for the Vata, thus eliminating bloating and abdominal distension. It also helps to flushed out impurities or ?Ama? from the body. The regular use of this churna balances the digestive hormone and heals peptic ulcers naturally. Puran pachak churna is a great Appetizer and aid to correct digestion, Supports normal gastric function and improves circulation of the blood. This churna reduce the Acidity, Detoxify the blood and also supports the body health.
?The PURAN PACHAK CHURNA is the complete formula for healthy metabolism?

Benefits of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Puran Pachak Churna:
Improves digestive health
It helps to removes toxins from the body and purifies the blood.
It prevents bacteria from growing and releasing gases in the GI track.
It helps the body absorb the essential mineral and nutrients.
It is used for managing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Treats hyperacidity and frequent belching
This churna has been employed to treat and manage constipation due to its Laxative effects.
It is used for treatment of the intestinal ulcer, diarrhea and anti-inflammatory action.
Beneficial in treating piles
Promotes weight loss

Dosage of Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Puran Pachak Churna:
1 tablespoon with normal water twice a day after meal, or as directed by the physician.

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I'm glad to have found MyUniqueBasket Store. After a purchase to give a gift almost unavailable in UK, I found and received this product promptly. The communication was good and they have sent me all the information. That helps me because I've seen that at one moment they stay a few days in the same place. I sent an email to know if it was normal and the customer service resolved that immediately. A five star service. I recommend to anyone to buy in "confiance" (with trust). Love their Service.

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A good collection of product and very fast and efficient service Quite Happy with their speed service.

-Jean Warnes
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100% great experience with MyUniqueBasket - purchased a product I had 'discovered' in Ayurveda. Can't recommend it highly enough for pain management! When I found it on Myuniquebasket store I was really pleased - Placed the order and 6 days later I have the product in hand - No muss, no fuss! THANK YOU Team.

-Beatriz Monteiro
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I am extremely happy with the prompt delivery process of my ordered items. They reached me in Australia within 4 business days even in the current circumstances! Looking forward to shopping from you guys in future as well. Great work team!

-Cynthia Copple
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