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VedaOils Frankincense Essential Oil - 100 gm

Brand: VedaOils

VedaOils Frankincense Essential Oil - 100 gm is a VedaOils brand product, best for.. Read more

USD 15.83
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Description of VedaOils Frankincense Essential Oil:
Boswellia tree resins, Frankincense Oil is predominantly found in the Middle East, India, and Africa. It has a long and glorious history as holy men and Kings have used this essential oil since ancient times. Even Ancient Egyptians preferred to use frankincense essential oil for various medicinal purposes.
It is beneficial for the overall health and beautification of the skin and is therefore used in many cosmetics and skincare applications. It is also referred to as Olibanum and King among the essential oils. Due to its soothing and mesmerizing fragrance, it is usually during religious ceremonies to promote a feeling of piousness and relaxation. Therefore, you can use it for attaining a calm state of mind after a hectic or busy day.
Bosellia tree is well known for its ability to grow in some of the most unforgiving environments, including some that grow out of solid stone. The scent of the resin can differ depending on region, soil, rainfall, and the variation of Boswella tree. Today it is used in incense as well as perfumes.
We offer premium grade Frankincense Essential Oil that does not contain any chemicals or additives. As a result, you can use it daily or add it to cosmetic and beauty preparations to naturally rejuvenate your skin. It has a spicy and slightly woody yet fresh odor used in DIY perfumes, oil therapy, colognes, and deodorants. Frankincense essential oil is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and will improve your immune function. Therefore, we can say that Frankincense Essential Oil is an all-rounder and a multi-purpose essential oil.

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