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Heilen Biopharm Coleus Forskohlii / Plectranthus barbatus Powder

Heilen Biopharm Coleus Forskohlii / Plectranthus barbatus Powder is a Heilen Biopharm brand product, best for.. Read more

USD 12.39
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Description of Heilen Biopharm Coleus Forskohlii / Plectranthus barbatus Powder:
100% Natural and effective herbal product.
Stop using chemically made medicines when essence of nature is with you. No side effects are known of Coleus powder's regular use.
Free Home Delivery
Trail Pack of 75 gram is available. you can buy same product in big quantity later.
No harmful preservatives added hence no side effects

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Great! 5 Star plus! Fast, complete, perfectly packed! Wow! Thank you from France! For a long time I had been looking for the biotique brand products for a reasonable price. I knew it from visits in India but could not get it in France. When looking on the internet, this time I saw the online store of MyUniqueBasket. I did not know what to think about it, but finally I decided to give them a try. I even paid in advance and after only 7 days or so my package arrived at my home. Everything I ordered arrived perfectly packed. I am really impressed. This was really a full service shopping experience.

-Claire Richards
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A good collection of product and very fast and efficient service Quite Happy with their speed service.

-Jean Warnes
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Genuine product and wonderful service to Singapore. They value customer relations and hence no hard time chasing the product delivery on their end. Thank you myuniquebasket for the product and service provided. Wish you keep up with the same grade of service always.

-Saroja Kollipara
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Received Himalaya Medicines well on time to Abu Dhabi. I could not find alternate source with same delivery time.

-Rod Cook
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